
the works of my hands

Friday, July 18, 2008

save the screen

courtesy of new inspiration im now doing screen savers for free check them out here!!!first up is the "colourmemaddd!!"madd(musa alube doodles drawings designz)

Monday, January 21, 2008

addicted to computer arts

this is the ultimate resource for any upcoming graphic designer with tutorials,downloads,reviews...etc.just link through


thats all we get every year and mine so far r wasted its a pity

Thursday, November 22, 2007


here are some photoz from the TUWATUZE wall i did a while back

Thursday, November 15, 2007


if i was to design common's Be it would have been.....

Thursday, October 25, 2007

home to the vectors

project SSS

when high scool is done its like the freshest thing(apparently)so when SSS peeps wanted some tees done i reached out coz i probably felt hteir pain(or was it coz i needed the money??)and had their san andreas-4r levers tshirts made sad thing is that the end of high school is just the beginning

comp doodles!!!

thinking of my project with juliani n about how i love messing with colours i came up with.........

Friday, October 12, 2007

the intended hip hope poster

my concept for hip hope-the roadmap

Thursday, September 20, 2007

fruits of labour/inspired by lack of inspiration

This is a tribute to myself for the hard work,lack of inspiration brings so much inspiration(thats real if u dont understand try be nu-inspired and see hwo much energy u will generate)so my doodles and my messed up table bring out what i hold in.Be inspired